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Environmental Protection and Human Health Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Environmental Protection and Human Health Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes. Environmental issues are a growing concern, and it’s crucial for businesses to implement strategies that promote health, safety, and environmental sustainability in the workplace. This document outlines the responsibilities of health and safety representatives, workers, and employers, as well as ways businesses can protect the environment and promote human health.

Environmental Protection and Human Health Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Roles of Health and Safety Representatives in Protecting the Workplace Environment

Health and safety representatives, elected by co-workers, play a vital role in resolving health and safety issues in the workplace. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Provision of Protective Clothing: Ensuring protective clothing is available to all workers.
  2. Hazard Identification: Identifying potential dangers in the workplace.
  3. Health and Safety Measures: Initiating, promoting, maintaining, and reviewing measures to ensure worker health and safety.
  4. Monitoring Effectiveness: Collaborating with management to monitor the effectiveness of health and safety measures.
  5. Equipment Maintenance: Ensuring necessary equipment is provided and maintained regularly.
  6. Safety Training: Promoting safety training for employees to avoid potential dangers and act proactively.
  7. Supervision of Dangerous Equipment: Ensuring dangerous equipment is used under the supervision of trained, qualified workers.
  8. Hazard Prevention: Ensuring workers’ health and safety is not endangered by hazards resulting from production, processing, storage, or transportation of materials and equipment.
  9. Accident Investigation: Working with employers to investigate accidents and complaints regarding health and safety in the workplace.
  10. COIDA Compliance: Ensuring employers comply with the Compensation for Occupational Injuries and Diseases Act (COIDA).

READ ALSO Labour Relations Act (LRA) 1995 (Act 66 of 1995) Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Responsibilities of Workers in Promoting Human Health and Safety in the Workplace

Workers play a significant role in maintaining their own health and safety. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Personal Care: Taking care of their own health and safety in the workplace.
  2. Rule Compliance: Cooperating and complying with rules and procedures, such as wearing prescribed safety clothing.
  3. Reporting Unsafe Conditions: Reporting unsafe or unhealthy working conditions to relevant authorities or management.
  4. Accident Reporting: Reporting accidents to the employer by the end of the shift.
  5. Safety Equipment Use: Using prescribed safety equipment.
  6. Reasonable Care: Taking reasonable care of their own safety.
  7. Illness Disclosure: Informing the employer of any illness that may affect their ability to work.

Responsibilities of Employers in Promoting Human Health and Safety in the Workplace

Employers have a crucial role in ensuring a safe and healthy working environment. Their responsibilities include:

  1. Equipment Provision: Providing and maintaining necessary equipment for work.
  2. System Maintenance: Keeping systems to prevent harmful impacts on worker health and safety.
  3. Danger Reduction: Reducing or removing dangers to workers and providing personal protective clothing.
  4. Hazard Prevention: Ensuring workers’ health is not damaged by hazards resulting from production, processing, storage, or transportation of materials or equipment.
  5. Hazard Identification: Identifying potential dangers and taking measures to eliminate or limit harm.
  6. Worker Training: Informing, instructing, and supervising workers to limit potential dangers.
  7. Supervised Equipment Use: Ensuring equipment is used under the supervision of a designated trained worker.
  8. Safety Law Compliance: Complying with safety laws promoting a healthy working environment.

Ways Businesses Can Protect the Environment and Promote Human Health in the Workplace

Businesses should focus on protecting the environment and promoting human health in the workplace by:

  1. Legal Compliance: Adhering to laws and regulations to prevent profits at the expense of the environment.
  2. Environmental Consideration: Address ation in all business activities, such as safe disposal of waste and avoiding toxic waste dumping.
  3. Environmental Awareness: Participating in environmental awareness programs.
  4. Clean Technologies: Adopting cleaner and greener production techniques.
  5. Water Safety: Testing water for human consumption before use.
  6. Nature Conservation: Promoting conservation of natural resources.
  7. Waste Reduction: Minimizing pollution by reusing, reducing, and recycling.
  8. Eco-friendly Consumption: Reducing consumption of environmentally unfriendly goods and services.
  9. Green Partnerships: Registering and engaging with recognized institutions and bodies that promote environmental sustainability.
  10. Safe Working Conditions: Ensuring worker-friendly, safe, and health-promoting physical working conditions, such as adequate lighting and ventilation.
  11. Machine Maintenance: Regularly servicing and maintaining machines.
  12. Hygiene Education: Educating people about hygiene issues.
  13. Health Check Encouragement: Encouraging employees to undergo regular health checks.

By focusing on these strategies, businesses can create a safer, healthier, and more environmentally sustainable workplace, benefiting employees, the organization, and the planet.

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