Economics Grade 12 Summary Notes

An Analysis of South African Businesses Types and Their Market Share

South African Businesses Types and Their Market Share. The South African economy, known for its diverse economic structure, hosts a plethora of businesses from...

How are Market Prices Affected by Unemployment in the Economy of South Africa

How are Market Prices Affected by Unemployment in the Economy of South Africa. On this page we discuss how market prices are affected by...

Reasons Why the Circular Flow is not an Accurate Reflection of Economic Reality

The circular flow is a theoretical model that illustrates how money, goods, and services flow through an economy. The model depicts households, firms, and...

List of Five goods on which no VAT is charged in South Africa

List of Five goods on which no VAT is charged in South Africa. Here’s a quick look at five goods on which no VAT...

Economics Grade 12 Notes PDF Download

Economics is a social science with stakes in many other fields, including political science, geography, mathematics, sociology, psychology, engineering, law, medicine and business. The central...

Why Does the Government Set Maximum Prices on Fuel

Why Does the Government Set Maximum Prices on Fuel. From time to time, the government regulates the prices of some goods and services such as...

Grade 12 Economics Circular Flow Self-Study Guide Free Download

The circular flow means the unending flow of production of goods and services, income, and expenditure in an economy. It shows the redistribution of...

Exclusion and Access to Opportunities in Different Economic Sectors

Exclusion and Access to Opportunities in Different Economic Sectors: Economic exclusion refers to the limited access or lack of opportunities for certain individuals or...

Products which are Excluded from VAT in order to help the Poor in South Africa

Products which are Excluded from VAT in order to help the Poor in South Africa. Value-added tax (VAT) is a tax that is levied...

What type of Tax is the Biggest Contributor to the National Budget

On this page we look at what type of tax is considered to be the biggest contributor to the South African national budget. What...


Grade 12 Accounting Task – Report on a public company listed on the JSE Guide

This is for Accounting Grade 12 subject. The Grade 12 Accounting Task: Report on a public company listed on the JSE Guide study content will help you with your Accounting Subject Revisions,...

Consumer Protection Act 2008 (CPA) (Act 68 of 28 April 2008) Study Notes

Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (CPA) (Act 68 of 28 April 2008) Study Notes, Guide, Online Quizzes and Activities for Business Studies Grade 12 Revision Studies,...

Business Sectors and their Environments Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Business Sectors and their Environments Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes. The business sector refers to the part of the economy that is concerned...