Economics Grade 12 Summary Notes

The Features used in Producing Banknotes to Prevent Counterfeiting in South Africa

The Features used in Producing Banknotes to Prevent Counterfeiting in South Africa. Imagine if everyone could just print money as they wish. How would poverty be...

Why Financial Crises have Different Causes in Emerging Economies Compared to Developed Economies

Why Financial Crises have Different Causes in Emerging Economies Compared to Developed Economies. On this page, we explain, using examples, why financial crises have different...

How Does the Market Economy Solve Unemployment in the Economy

The market economy is a system in which the production and distribution of goods and services is determined by the interactions of buyers and...

The Major Sources of Revenue for the Government in South Africa

The Major Sources of Revenue for the Government in South Africa. The government has financial budgets that are counted by billions of rands every year. Where is...

Barriers to Entry for Small Businesses into the Markets: Township Entrepreneurship

Barriers to Entry for Small Businesses into the Markets: Township Entrepreneurship. In many markets, small businesses face a number of barriers when trying to enter...

Examples of Tertiary Sector in South Africa

Examples of Tertiary Sector in South Africa. The tertiary sector, also known as the service sector or the service industry, plays a vital role in South...

Functions of the Competition Commission as Per the Competition Act of 1998, South Africa

Functions of the Competition Commission as Per the Competition Act of 1998, South Africa. The Competition Commission of South Africa was established through the Competition...

What are the Main Benefits of a Market Economy

Benefits of a market economy include increased efficiency, production, and innovation. Disadvantages include monopolies, no government intervention, poor working conditions, and unemployment. What are the...

What are the Characteristics of Monopoly in Economics

Monopoly is a type of market structure in which a single company and its goods and services dominate the market at all times. Some...

Grade 12 Economics Foreign Exchange Markets Self Study Guide Free Download

The foreign exchange market (also known as forex, FX, or the currencies market) is an over-the-counter (OTC) global marketplace that determines the exchange rate...


Grade 12 Accounting Task – Report on a public company listed on the JSE Guide

This is for Accounting Grade 12 subject. The Grade 12 Accounting Task: Report on a public company listed on the JSE Guide study content will help you with your Accounting Subject Revisions,...

Consumer Protection Act 2008 (CPA) (Act 68 of 28 April 2008) Study Notes

Consumer Protection Act, 2008 (CPA) (Act 68 of 28 April 2008) Study Notes, Guide, Online Quizzes and Activities for Business Studies Grade 12 Revision Studies,...

Business Sectors and their Environments Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Business Sectors and their Environments Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes. The business sector refers to the part of the economy that is concerned...