Grade 10Physical Sciences Grade 10 ATP (Annual Teaching Plans)

Physical Sciences Grade 10 ATP (Annual Teaching Plans)

Physical Sciences Grade 10 ATP (Annual Teaching Plans), This page contains Physical Sciences Grade 10 Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) and Teacher’s Guide. These Annual Teaching Plans help the Physical Sciences Grade 10 Teachers to teach a standardised curriculum for CAPS, as prescribed by the South African Department of Education. View all Grade 10 ATPs

What do yearly lesson plans include?

Every one of South Africa’s 10 official languages has its own version of the country’s annual teaching plan, which is organized by subject. After downloading, they review what must be included for that academic year in that specific subject.

Each term’s worth of weekly lessons for the entire school year is laid out in detail in the Annual Teaching Plan, along with the essential knowledge, abilities, and character traits that should be emphasized. It serves as a general roadmap for what each student should have accomplished by the semester’s end

Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) Physical Sciences Grade 10

The Annual Teaching Plan is for Physical Sciences Grade 10 and contains a full-year annual teaching plan for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4.

Other Subjects Grade 10 ATP (Annual Teaching Plans) and Teacher Guide Download

The above documents will also be made available on the DBE website:


Information Technology Grade 12 Teachers and Learners guide pdf

Information Technology Grade 12 Teachers and Learners guide pdfList of Information Technology Grade 12 Teachers and Learners guide pdfIT-Grade-12-Teachers-Guide Gr12_IT-Practical-LB–HiRes Gr12_IT-Theory-LB-PRINT