Grade 12Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 ATP - Annual Teaching Plan and...

Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 ATP – Annual Teaching Plan and Teacher’s Guide

Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 ATP – Annual Teaching Plan and Teacher’s Guide. Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Annual Teaching Plan contains a weekly plan for each term, including core concepts, skills and values that should be taught. Essentially, it’s a guide to what each learner should be capable of by the end of the term

On this page, you will find Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Annual Teaching Plan and Teacher’s Guide (ATPs) for all subjects. The Annual Teaching Plans is for Grade 12 and contains full-year annual teaching plans for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4

Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 ATP – Annual Teaching Plan and Teacher’s Guide.

On this page, you will find Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 Annual Teaching Plan (ATP) and Teacher’s Guide.

Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Annual Teaching Plan 

The Annual Teaching Plan is for Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 and contains a full-year annual teaching plan for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4.

Mathematical Literacy (Maths Lit) Grade 12 Teacher’s Guide

The Teacher’s Guide is for Mathematical Literacy Grade 12 and contains a full-year assessment guide as well as SBA, Project Tasks or Practical Assessment Tasks for Term 1, Term 2, Term 3, and Term 4. The guide is useful in terms of what Mathematics Literacy Grade 12 topics are important as well as how to assess learners under the same topics. Mathematics Literacy Grade 12 teacher guide below will aid you as a teacher in order to prepare students for the mid-year as well as final matric exams.

What do Annual Teaching Plans cover?

Annual teaching plans are split into subjects, and are also available in all 11 of the official languages of South Africa. Once downloaded, they go through what needs to be included each year for that subject.

Each Annual Teaching Plan contains a weekly plan for each term, including core concepts, skills and values that should be taught. Essentially, it’s a guide to what each learner should be capable of by the end of the term

Other ATPs For Grade 12 Subject

List of all Subject Grade 12 Annual Teaching Plans
