Grade 12How ICT Integration can Transform Teaching and Learning in the context of...

How ICT Integration can Transform Teaching and Learning in the context of South Africa

How ICT Integration can Transform Teaching and Learning in the context of South Africa. There has been a rapid growth of ICT infrastructure in South Africa over the past two decades. This has thus, become one of the most important topics discussed in the teaching and learning industry of South Africa (Education).

ICT can significantly positively transform the teaching and learning experiences in the classrooms of South African schools. Although integration of ICT in teaching and learning can, unfortunately, bring undesired results such as: cheating; distraction; access issues; and others; if properly managed, the advantages can reasonably outweigh the disadvantages.

Watch: Expanding ICT education in SA

Expanding ICT education in SA

Reasons how ICT Integration can Transform Teaching and Learning in the context of South Africa

A proper ICT integration into teaching and learning, can provide the following:

  • ICT makes E-learning or Online Learning possible for South African learners.
  • ICT promotes the inclusion of different types of students in South Africa.
  • ICT promotes higher-order thinking skills, such as: evaluating, planning, monitoring and reflecting
  • ICT integration, natures and develops ICT literacy and skills amongst South African learners
  • ICT use encourages collaboration with distance learners
  • ICT integration into learning enhances the learning experience by making learning entertaining, exciting, and memorable through interactions.
