UniversitiesCornell Fall Break Information | Does Cornell have fall break?

Cornell Fall Break Information | Does Cornell have fall break?

Cornell Fall Break Information | Does Cornell have fall break?. We take a different approach to education here. Ingenuity is more than a curriculum—it’s a tradition. You’ll find a motivated community and progressive programs that keep the liberal arts relevant to you and the workplace where you’ll become a leader. Cornellians pioneer their own paths to success by following the rhythm of the block plan and allowing their curiosity to lead the way One Course At A Time.

Simply put, it means that when you graduate from Cornell, you’ll have a wealth of hands-on academic experiences to offer employers. You will be equipped to excel in the classroom and in your career, and you will have a network of Cornell alumni who achieved their goals and are eager to help you do the same. see Also Cornell Academic Calendar 2022/2023 | Cornell University

Cornell Fall Break Information | Does Cornell have fall break?

The following information will help you prepare for Fall break.  More information will be added as it becomes available. If you have questions that are not addressed here, please contact our office.

General information

Fall break begins Monday, November 21, and lasts until Sunday, November 27th.  The residence halls are open and students are permitted to remain on campus during this time. As always, please lock your room door when you are away from your room (even if you just run down to the bathroom), carry your keys at all times, and do not prop exterior doors for any reason.

RAs are scheduled to be on duty over the break; however, there will be reduced staffing in the RA offices. If you need to check anything out from the RA office (cooking equipment, games, videos, etc.) or you need access to storage, please do so by Friday, November 18 at the latest. Campus Safety is not permitted to check out hall equipment or give students access to storage.

Checklist for students leaving for the break

If you are leaving for break, we encourage you to:

  • Turn off and unplug appliances (refrigerators and aquariums may remain plugged in)
  • Remove all trash from your room and take it to a common area trash can in your building
  • Close and lock all windows (pipes could freeze and burst if windows are left open)
  • Close blinds
  • Turn off alarm clock
  • Turn off lights
  • Lock your door
  • Leave thermostats on

Repair work

During break periods (including official College holidays), Facility Services staff may be doing necessary maintenance, deep cleaning and/or renovations to common areas. At times, this work may require altering normal traffic flow (like periodically closing certain entrances or stairwells). At other times, this work may require entering student rooms. Every effort will be made to notify students in advance (through e-mails or through signs posted in the buildings). However, advanced notice may not be possible in every situation. Please contact us if you have questions or concerns.

Campus Safety

Campus Safety officers will be on campus at all times over break. The officers will be making regular rounds through the residence halls. As always, students are advised to report any suspicious individuals or activities to Campus Safety. If you need assistance, contact Campus Safety (319) 895-4299 (or x4299 from an on-campus telephone). For an emergency, call 911 (or 9-911 from an on-campus telephone).

Dining Services

Hilltop Café will be open through the dinner service on Friday, November 18.  That is the last meal paid for by student meal plans before fall break. Meal plans start again with the lunch service on Saturday, November 26.

Meal plans do not cover meals from Saturday, November 19 through Friday, November 25. However, Zamora’s Market will be open limited hours during the break and will accept credit cards, debit cards, and flex dollars.  Students can add additional flex dollars to their card by registering for web account access.  Students who are required to be on campus between November 19 – November 25 (such as in-season student-athletes and select RAs) will have meals covered by their sponsoring departments as determined by their coaches. Other students who need special assistance regarding meals should be in touch with Residence Life (email).

Meals will not be provided on Thursday, November 24, 2022 in observance of the Thanksgiving holiday. Students are encouraged to purchase meals t0-go the Wednesday evening before.

Office and building hours

Please be aware that offices will be closed from Noon on Wednesday, November 23 until 8:00 a.m. on Monday, November 28 for the Thanksgiving holiday.  Services like the Thomas Commons, Cole Library, Dining Services, computer labs and the Small Multi-Sport Center will all have abbreviated hours over the break. Please refer to the College’s list of Thanksgiving hours for additional details.

Getting to and from the airport

If you will be traveling and don’t have a car, you can refer to a list of transportation suggestions compiled by the Thomas Commons Information Desk. There you will find the College’s electronic need a ride board as well as information on commercial transportation opportunities.

Meal plans for the Spring semester

As a reminder, students can opt to change their meal plan for the Spring semester.  Refer to Dining Services website on selecting or changing a meal plan for details.

Parking updates

There are five parking spaces in Lot O (directly in front of Olin Hall along MacGregor Lane) where parking is prohibited between December 1 and April 1 annually. Those spaces have signs indicating the parking restrictions. Refer to the Campus Safety website for a complete list of parking policies.
