Grade 12Homeostasis in Humans Life Sciences Grade 12 Notes and Study Guides

Homeostasis in Humans Life Sciences Grade 12 Notes and Study Guides

Homeostasis in Humans Life Sciences Grade 12 Notes and Study Guides. Homeostasis is defined as a self-regulating process by which a living organism can maintain internal stability while adjusting to changing external conditions. Homeostasis is not static and unvarying; it is a dynamic process that can change internal conditions as required to survive external challenges




8.1 Introduction

Homeostasis is the process of maintaining a constant internal environment within the body. The internal environment refers to the blood and tissue fluid that surrounds the cells of the body. Homeostasis enables the body to function efficiently, despite changes that might occur in the external or internal environment.
Changes in temperature, glucose levels, carbon dioxide levels, water levels and salt levels of the internal environment affects the homeostatic balance of the body. Negative feedback mechanisms operate in the human body to detect changes or imbalances in the internal environment and to restore the balance.

8.2 Negative feedback mechanisms

General sequence of events in a negative feedback mechanism :

Step 1:  An imbalance is detected.
Step 2:  A control centre is stimulated.
Step 3:  Control centre responds.
Step 4:  Message sent to target organs/s.
Step 5:  The target organ responds.
Step 6:  It opposes/reverses the imbalance.
Step 7:  Balance is restored.

8.2.1 The regulation of glucose levels in the internal environment

When the glucose level in the blood increases above normal levels:
Step 1Glucose levels in the blood increase above normal levels
Step 2The pancreas is stimulated
Step 3to secrete insulin into the blood
Step 4Insulin travels in the blood to the liver
Step 5where it stimulates the conversion of excess glucose to glycogen which is then stored
Step 6The glucose level in the blood now decreases
Step 7and returns to normal


When the glucose level in the blood decreases below normal levels:
Step 1Glucose levels in the blood decrease below normal levels
Step 2The pancreas is stimulated
Step 3to secrete glucagon into the blood
Step 4Glucagon travels in the blood to the liver
Step 5where it stimulates the conversion of stored glycogen to glucose
Step 6The glucose level in the blood now increases
Step 7and returns to normal

homeostasis 1

Figure 8.1 Negative feedback mechanism to regulate the glucose levels

8.2.2 The regulation of carbon dioxide levels in the internal environment

When the CO2 level in the blood increases above normal levels:
Step 1CO2 levels in the blood increase above normal levels
Step 2Receptor cells in the carotid artery in the neck are stimulated
Step 3To send impulses to the medulla oblongata in the brain
Step 4Medulla oblongata stimulates breathing muscles (intercostal muscles and diaphragm) and heart
Step 5Breathing muscles contract more actively – increases the rate and depth of breathing. The heart beats faster.
Step 6More CO2 is taken to and exhaled from the lungs
Step 7The CO2 level in the blood returns to normal

8.2.3 The regulation of water balance in the internal environment (osmoregulation)

When the blood has less water than normal:
Step 1Blood has less water than normal
Step 2The hypothalamus is stimulated
Step 3and sends impulses to the pituitary gland  to secrete more ADH
Step 4ADH travels in the blood to the kidneys
Step 5ADH increases the permeability of the collecting ducts and the distal convoluted tubules of

the kidney

Step 6More water is re-absorbed and passed to the surrounding blood vessels
Step 7The water level in the blood returns to normal


When the blood has more water than normal:
Step 1Blood has more water than normal
Step 2The hypothalamus is stimulated
Step 3and sends impulses to the pituitary gland  to stop secreting ADH/to secrete less ADH
Step 4No ADH/less ADH travels in the blood to the kidneys
Step 5The collecting ducts and the distal convoluted tubules of the kidney become less permeable to water
Step 6Less water is re-absorbed and passed to the surrounding blood vessels. More water is now lost
Step 7The water level in the blood returns to normal

homeostasis 2

Figure 8.2 Negative feedback mechanism to regulate the water balance

8.2.4 The regulation of salt balance in the internal environment

When the salt level in the blood decreases:
Step 1The salt level in the blood decreases
Step 2Receptor cells in the afferent and efferent arterioles of the kidney detect the low salt level
Step 3The adrenal gland is stimulated
Step 4into secreting more aldosterone
Step 5Aldosterone increases the re-absorption of sodium ions from the renal tubules in the kidney into the

surrounding blood vessels

Step 6The salt level in the blood vessels increases
Step 7and returns to normal
When the salt level in the blood increases:
Step 1The salt level in the blood increases
Step 2Receptor cells in the afferent and efferent arterioles of the kidney detect the high salt level
Step 3The adrenal gland is stimulated
Step 4to stop secreting aldosterone/to secrete less aldosterone
Step 5This decreases the re-absorption of sodium ions from the renal tubules in the kidney into the

surrounding blood vessels

Step 6The salt level in the blood vessels decreases
Step 7and returns to normal

homeostasis 3

Figure 8.3 Negative feedback mechanism to regulate the salt balance

8.3 The process of temperature regulation

Temperature regulation is the control of body temperature to keep it as close to 37ºC as possible to enable the body to function normally.
Body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus in the brain and the blood vessels and sweat glands in the skin.

Figure 8.4 below shows how the body temperature is regulated by the hypothalamus and the skin.

homeostasis 4

Figure 8.4 The homeostatic mechanism to regulate body temperature

Activity 1

1. Name the heat regulation centre in the brain. (1)
2. What happens to the blood vessels of the skin on a cold day? (1)
3. Describe how the state of the blood vessels mentioned in question 2 decreases heat loss. (4)
4. What happens to blood vessels of the skin on a hot day? (1)
5. Describe how the state of the blood vessels mentioned in question 4 increases heat loss. (4) [11]

Answers to activity 1
1. Hypothalamus✔ (1)
2. Blood vessels constrict✔/vasoconstriction (1)

  • Less blood flows to the surface of the skin.✔
  • Less heat is lost from the surface of the skin.✔
  • Less blood flows to the sweat glands.✔
  • Sweat glands release less sweat.✔
  • Less evaporation of sweat.✔
  • Less cooling of the skin on a cold day.✔ (any 4)(4)

4. Blood vessels dilate✔/vasodilation (1)

  • More blood flows to the surface of the skin.✔
  • More heat is lost from the surface of the skin.✔
  • More blood flows to the sweat glands.✔
  • Sweat glands release more sweat.✔
  • Evaporation of sweat✔
  • cools the skin on a hot day.✔ (any 4)(4) [11]
