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Team Performance Assessment, Conflict Management, and Problem-Solving Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Team Performance Assessment, Conflict Management, and Problem-Solving Business Studies Grade 12 Study Notes

Topics under Team Performance Assessment, Conflict Management, and Problem-Solving

  • Ways of Dealing with Difficult Employees
  • Grievances and Disputes
  • Successful Team Performance
  • Stages of Team Development
  • Team Dynamics Theory
  • Belbin’s Team Role Theory
  • Jungian Theory
  • MTR-I Approach
  • Group Consensus
  • Margerison-McCANN Profiles
  • Problem-Solving in a Team
  • Conflict Management

Team Performance Assessment, Conflict Management, and Problem-Solving: A Summary

Team Performance Assessment

Team performance assessment is the process of evaluating the effectiveness of a team in achieving its goals. To assess team performance, several criteria must be considered, such as interpersonal attitudes and behaviours, shared values, communication, and other factors. A successful team is characterized by several key traits, including clear goals, strong leadership, good communication, and a positive team culture. The stages of team development, such as forming, storming, norming, performing, and adjourning, are also important to consider when evaluating team performance.

Team-Dynamic Theories

Team-dynamic theories are frameworks that help to improve team performance by providing insight into the interactions and relationships within a team. Some of the key team-dynamic theories include Belbin’s team role theory, Jungian theory, MTR-I approach, group consensus, and Margerison-McCann profiles. Understanding the nature of these theories can help teams to improve their performance by addressing potential conflicts and building stronger relationships.

Conflict Resolution

Conflict is a natural part of any group or team, and it is important to have strategies in place to resolve conflicts effectively.

Conflict can be caused by a variety of factors, such as differences in opinions, goals, or values. Conflict resolution techniques typically involve a series of steps, including communication, negotiation, and compromise.

A grievance is a complaint or dissatisfaction raised by an employee, and it is different from a conflict. To deal with grievances, it is important to follow established procedures, including investigation, negotiation, and resolution.

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with difficult people is a common challenge in any team or organization.

There are several strategies that can be used to manage difficult personalities, including clear communication, active listening, and empathy. By understanding the causes of conflict and the techniques for resolving conflicts, teams can work together more effectively to achieve their goals.

Team performance assessment, conflict management, and problem-solving are essential skills in business studies. By understanding the key concepts and techniques involved in these areas, students can develop the skills they need to effectively manage teams and resolve conflicts in the workplace.

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